The end of the month my whole family + Randy went and spent the weekend at his parents cabin on Bills Island. It is a beautiful cabin. I think it sleeps 20 people in beds. Then there are couches and such. It was a weekend filled with GOOD FOOD, late nights, fake mustaches, dance parties, hot tubs and seeing how far we could run in our swim suits in the waste deep snow. I NEVER got further then knee deep but the boys were crazy. I think the kids has as much fun as we did. Bennett lived on the stairs, it got a bit old taking shifts of sitting on the stairs trying to teach him to slide down on his belly but he wanted to walk down just like every other person.
Rachelle got Engaged to Randy. I guess at the cabin he decided that we weren't half bad, or maybe she decided he wasn't half bad. :) We were all excited but when she told us that they were getting marred April 9 we were busy to get the perfect wedding all put together in just a short time. I started running around trying to help in anyway I could. It was nice that Robin was home so I could just go whenever I needed to. He never complained not even once. I love him, what else can I say.
Robin also turn 31 and we had a little family party for him. He wanted ice cream cake so that is what he got. The candles on his cake melted the balloons and almost didn't last through the happy birthday song.
Consisted of more planning and running and planning and finding addresses.
Robin tested to work for the Census. We were keeping our fingers crossed that he would get hired. I think he had a hard time being Mr. mom. He was getting really good at it and it was so nice to have the extra set of hands so I could work.
Robin got a JOB! He is working for the Census and although it is just for awhile we think it might last through the summer. So we are back to a one car family. You will always find me at home. It was hard getting used to him not being here. I loved having him home and being able to stay up and watch movies and just be together. We feel so blessed that he could find a job, even if it is for a few months.
Bennett is a monkey! He climbs on EVERYTHING! His favorite place to be is on the table, so he can look out the window and say over and over OUTSIDE?! OUTSIDE?! If only we had nice weather. So one day Bennett and Kenidee were coloring at the table. I was doing dishes. I looked up just in time to see Bennett step backwards off the chair, as he fell he hit his lip on the edge of the chair. Blood was everywhere. We didn't have a car because Robin was at work so who do you call in a time like this? I called my mom. She ran right out and picked us up and I took him to community care for his first set of stitches. 4 stitches in my little boys lip. I felt so bad for him. they asked me to leave the room and wait in the waiting room until they were done. I just couldn't go all the way to the waiting room. I didn't want people to look at me and wonder why is this lady sitting her crying. So I opted for the hall furthest away from where Bennett was. I could still here him crying, and it made me feel so bad. When all was said and done his lip was so swollen. It almost stuck out further then his nose. (i will add pics when I am on my desk top)
Easter was so fun. We dyed easter eggs and had pizza at our house with my parents and with Justen's family and Rebecca and Andria. I loved how much Kenidee was into dying easter eggs this year. She LOVED every egg, and hugged it and kissed it. We didn't go to any of the easter egg hunts this year, on terms it was freezing. I can't remember if it was snowing or blowing or both. But the easter bunny did come and Kenidee was Super excited! I heard her walk out of her door and then I heard a gasp then little running feet to my room. and she told me "oh mom the easter bunny DID come and he brought us Toy story 1 and Toy story 2. Soon Bennett was awake and they went to look at there baskets. Then we did a little easter egg hunt in our house. Kenidee was so excited. She kept asking me how did the easter bunny get candy all the way up there,and she was so happy that the easter bunny hid candy on her door frame in her room. I love this age. I love that little things make her happy. Bennett he was just excited that he got to eat chocolate.
We spent the rest of the day listening to conference. I once again got to make rolls for the family party. I made 72 rolls. I just wanted to make sure there was enough for everyone,and really who doesn't like left over rolls? We went to my grandmas after conference and had the traditional Easter dinner ham twice baked potatoes, pretzel jello salad, green salad. I can't even remember all the food but it was all good.
Right before dinner Robin and Justen went to find Mitchell and Kenidee, they came back sometime later and we found out they were in my moms storage room having a dried bean fight. I guess there were beans everywhere. Those two are getting to be so mischievous together. I do love that they are becoming better friends, they love to be with each other.
The weekend after Easter,April 9 Rachelle and Randy were married in the Idaho Falls Temple! It was perfect. Really it was. Rachelle was glowing and beautiful, she couldn't stop smiling from the time she walked in the room till they left the luncheon. The reception the following night. So we had a ton still to get done for the reception. Everything turned out perfect it was beautiful. the food looked amazing and yes we danced our pants off, and then they left in wedding attire on Randy's motorcycle! it was so cute!
We are so happy Rachelle had found Randy and that Randy stuck around for Rachelle. He had just fits right into our family and treats Rachelle like a princess.
We have had gale force winds for almost this whole month. I am about ready to move to somewhere else. In this fantastic weather we are having, we are trying to get our yard to look normal. We have gotten a dump truck of gravel and some bigger rock and some dirt... well lots of dirt. We have so far finished the extra driveway with gravel, put the bigger rock around the back side of the house, filled some huge sink holes. Built a retaining wall planter thing in the rain and snow (my favorite thing in my whole yard) filled it up with dirt, and planted it. I hope the plants don't freeze We still have lots to do. I have to build up one more bed in the front and try to once again plant a garden for us and not for the insects.
Mothers day was fantastic Robin started early, Saturday he made breakfast and let me sleep in, then we worked in the yard all day long. Then he told me he needed to leave to do some shopping, really how can I say no to that? When he got home he gave me some flowers and asked me if I wanted my mothers day gift now or tomorrow. I told him whatever he wanted. So he chose now. he gave me a new phone! I love it! It is so sleek and I think it makes me look important. ;)
Sunday morning him and Kenidee made me my favorite breakfast ever. French toast on french bread sausages and buttermilk syrup. I stayed in bed for as long as I could but I decided to get out of bed and help them make breakfast I really didn't do much Robin had it all under control.
I love being a mother. Some days are so hard but really I don't know what I would be doing if I didn't have them. My own mother has been such an example to me of how to love with everything I have. To enjoy everything that happens, and to look for the positive. She has taught me how to serve others. I still have lots to learn from her and I am not perfect but I am so thankful for such a great example.
My kids are getting so big. Kenidee looks like she could be walking into kindergarten, she keeps me laughing and on my toes. The other day she was running and playing outside with some friends and she looked like such a big girl. She is so social and almost "dies" if she can't be with a friend or go somewhere. She loves to go by herself without me or Bennett to Grandma Shauna's. She never really wants to come home. Everyday I see a little bit of me in her she loves the dirt and how it feels on her feet. she has been my little helper planting plants. She talks to them and tells them that they are going to grow healthy and strong, and of course kisses them. Somedays I think she is 3 going on 13 she wants what she wants when she wants it, and I don't know exactly how to deal with this. She loves primary and singing. She makes up songs all the time and pretends she is on a stage. She has become a big helper with Bennett. She can make friends with anyone. She makes me laugh, and I love her permanent kisses. she kisses you then blows on them. I love her so much.
Bennett just thinks he is a big kid. He runs with them and laughs with them, gets frustrated when he can't ride away with them when they all leave on their bikes. He wants so bad to be big, and I want so bad for him to stay little. Bennett would be happy if I let him be outside all day long or if we were in the car for a ride he would be happy. Really Bennett is for the most part he is a happy kid, but don't get me wrong this kid KNOWS how to throw a good fit. He will be in nursery soon and in some small way that makes me sad. He loves to play dogs with Kenidee. His smile still make me give into anything almost. He loves baby dolls but knows how to make a mean truck sound. I love that kid he makes me laugh and smile everyday. When he is stinky he plugs his nose and says stinky. He is saying new words everyday. soon I will have two chatter boxes on my hands.