Christmas Day! 2011
I can not believe that I only took about 6 pictures on Christmas day! What kind of mom am I? I guess my camera needed a break from Christmas eve.
I love Christmas! I love that my kids are getting older and are more fun to watch them get excited and having a hard time sleeping. Kenidee was so excited to put out milk and cookies for Santa and Reindeer food outside on the porch and sidewalk.
As a Christmas tradition we have to wait till everyone is awake and we all go into the living room together. That is such a hard thing to do, really and it never gets any easier. After we get done opening gifts from each other we go to Grandma Shauna's and Papa's for what ends up being Brunch. Then we exchange presents with our family. I love watching how excited my kids are to give to their cousins, and grandparents.
Then we head down to Grandma Lu's and Papa Bears for dinner and more gift giving and getting! it is so much fun, and so much noise! I love it.
I hope throughout the years I can teach my children how to give, and how important it is to remember our savior Jesus Christ not just on this day but everyday. I want my them to know that Christ is our brother, and the things He did on this earth were for us. I want them to strive to be like Him, and to be kind and loving to others. I am so thankful for the knowledge I have of the Savior, and so thankful for parents who taught me to try to be like Him.