Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hello... da da

this morning was an early one.Bennett decided that it was time to party at 5 am so off I went to the living room with him to play. He is so much fun. He makes anyone smile. I know I have a ton of blogging to get all caught up with but I HAD to post this today, partly because it is on my sisters camera it was the closest thing. i just watched this again and it is kind of dark but still so cute. I know it is long but so cute at the end so keep watching.


Rachel Holloway said...

Well that's a party I wish I was invited to! :) What a cute little guy. I love all his laughing. My kids were coming up behind me and asking who he was and trying to coo back to him! haha

Kent Family said...

That was adorable! I need to come see you guys.

Geneal said...

How cute, but at 5am??? Oh to be young again!! Bennet is so cute and growing up sos fast. Love ya