Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fourth of July!

We love the 4th of July! I love looking for cute 4th of July outfits for my kids. :) It was so fun to have JuJu here with us, she loves the 4th of July here just as much as we do.She has come over for the fourth for the last few years.We love having Ju Ju with us we just don't get to see her enough.
We also got a special treat this year, Uncle Chris (robins brother) came over and we got to meet his "friend" Megan! It was a short trip for them in fact I think they were here less then 18 hours but it was worth it; well to us.The day was super fun we started it by going to lunch with Robin's family at Red Robin.Then I took the kids home and Robin and his family went to find an air conditioner for the house, it was hot and because we don't have a basement to escape to it was almost more than Judy to bear. I have LOVED that little window unit, it does and amazing job. THANK YOU!
Then it was off to Menan to the parade They hand out  Chocolate Milk, umm what else do you need on a hot day but a cold chocolate milk? It was so hot I had to go find some shade for Eli and I he was just too hot. What I saw of the parade it was so cute and small town, just how I like it.

Bennett and Juju enjoying the parade. Bennett just does not like loud things like Fire Trucks. So he was just happy to be with his Juju.

Little Eli before we retreated to a little shade. I love his little hat!

Kenidee waiting for the parade to start! I love that she will still let me put mondo bows in her hair.  I think she is SOOO cute.

I love love love this picture! My kids don't get to see there uncles very often. this was Chris's first time seeing Eli. Megan sent me this picture and I am so glad she did. Did I mention I love it!

Megan and Eli. It was so fun to meet Megan, we have heard so much about her and it was nice to finally put a face to the name. I just hope we get to know her better.

See Eli loves Megan she even got a smile out of him:)

Bennett & Kenidee waiting for the Fireworks to start. It seemed like it took forever.  While we were waiting Kenidee ran into her friend Trevor from pre-school. She adores him. When I pointed him out she just stared at him and ask if she could go talk to him. Trevor seemed a little overwhelmed by all the "love" she was giving him but soon they were laughing and talking and having races. She has missed that boy.

Bennett was so tired but when the fireworks started he sat on the blanket with his ears covered and watched, so I guess he loved them. It might have been mixed feelings.

In between the parade and the fireworks we went home for naps and to cool off. Juju sat in the end of the pool and requested there not be pictures taken of her. (your wish is my command) Kenidee had fun jumping in the pool, and swimming around. Others (Chris) wanted a tan, and was very content on sitting in the sun.
A little side note:  See the little bruise on Kenidee's leg. It is from her shots for kindergarten. She walked around like an old lady for days. poor thing.

Kenidee and her Uncle Chris. I am so happy my kids warmed up to him so fast. They loved him and they had fun with him while he was here. Chris also brought with him some amazing fireworks. we didn't have time to do them while he was here but we did enjoy them a few days later. Thanks Chris.

It was a fantastic day, I loved having some of Robin family here. Even though we live so far away from them I really want my kids to have a relationship with their grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. It is going to be hard but I want to do everything I can do so they know and love all of  Robins family.  I think I have my work cut out for me.

1 comment:

Alisha said...

I love Eli's outfit! :) Looks like you had a great holiday! I miss those small town parades. Texas just doesn't do justice to the 4th of July.