Tuesday, July 31, 2007

oh Canada!

Well we are back from the family reunion in Canada... it was so fun to see all my long lost cousins. I think the most fun I has was trying out the underwater feature on my camera. I was a little scared at first but I think I might have gotten carried away... in fact that is the only pictures I did take. So I will barrow my sisters camera and add more later. :) but here is our swimming pictures!

Kenidee and I at the pool
The whole gang left to right Rebecca Bri Mitch (baby) Justen Kenidee Robin Andrea and Rachelle

Kenidee with her new Roots hat

Underwater group picture! left to right again Andrea Rachelle Justen and Bri

I was trying to take a picture of Rachelle and Andrea and Justen swam by we like to tease and say that we now have proof that big foot can swim

Rachelle floating with ease

Andrea trying to stay underwater

I thought this one was great! I love the air bubbles in Chelle's nose.she is going to kill me!Kenidee's little wrikled feet from being in the waterRachelle and Andrea were having a hard time staying underwater so... Rebecca helped them to stay under by putting her feet on there shoulders then later on there heads!

Robin yep he took it all by his self

Justen and his son Mitch

This is my cousin Jenn's daughter Cassie. she had so much fun and I loved to take pics of her underwater.

This is Chase Brother to Cassie He is such a cute boy!

Rachelle Trying out the babies water toy

My cousing Jenn and her daughter Cassidy

Rachelle and my Dad

My Dad I love his face and his little hair sticking up I think this is a classic!

My Aunt, Andrea , Rachelle and my Dad

Cassie Jummping in off the diving board!

This is Chase it is kind of hard to see but he is there!

Jenn and her Huge bubble!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hugging Game

Kenidee hugs EVERYTHING! I think her dad help her learn this new game she plays. If she has her bear she loves (gives hugs) it then hands it over and looks at you like ummm hello it is your turn. So you have to hug the bear then she reaches out and wants it back so she can give the bear loves. She has started "loving" everything bottles, sippy cups, shoes, bath toys, go-gert wrappers. Really anything she can pick up she gives it loves then hands it to you to love. I do try to get her to give me loves but it rarely happens. I did try to get some pictures of her "loving" a few things. I might just make a collection of pictures of the things Kenidee "loves". We will be going to Canada this weekend for a family reunion. I am sure we will come back with some great pictures and some really good stories. Loving measuring spoonsLoving her teddy.Loving Pluto

I just thought this was cute she was laying on the ground playing with something and she was just kicking her feet and playing.Two pigtails! I don't think her hair is quite long enough they look a bit silly

Saturday, July 14, 2007

an offficial mom

I have now become an official mom. I have been pooped on peed on, spit up down my shirt in my hair. Last night Robin and I were watching a movie( date night) and Kenidee starts crying. I went back in to give her a Binky and when I went in there was puke EVERYWHERE! All over her face in her ears, she was swimming in an ocean of puke. I know SICK! We got her cleaned up and in new jammas robin disinfected her bed and remade her crib. We laid her down then about 30 min later the same thing. This was what the whole night was like. Today we are washing sheets and blankets and jammas. I guess all I can say is I love my mom for taking such good care of me. Kenidee is doing better. She only puked once this morning and is now sleeping. AWWW.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


So we searched high and low for a swimming pool for Kenidee. We finally found one at wal-mart in Idaho Falls. She loves it. Robin took her out in it with water on Saturday, but he didn't take pictures. So we went out yesterday and she loves it! Oh and she is 11months old yesterday. One month and I don't have a baby anymore! :(

Monday, July 9, 2007

need lessons

K I was looking at everyones blogs and I need lessons. I need to find someone who blogs close to me to teach me about blogging!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Firework day..umm also known as the fourth of July

I was so happy to be back in idaho for the 4th . On the 3rd we went to Rigby Lake to watch the fireworks and to my surprise there were tons of people there and they were really good. We usally go to idahofalls on the fourth to watch fire works, but with a baby (I can still call her that right) and with robins work we decided we didn't want to fight traffic and we went to Menan. My Sister in law also came down for the fourth so we got to see my neice, who if I say so is darling. I was a bit afraid how her and Kenidee would play but they were nice to eachother. For the most part. I don't even think Kenidee even tried to bit her. :)
It has been so hot here. So we went to get kenidee a little pool and couldn't find one in Rexburg and we went to idaho falls and I think there were 4 or 5 left I bought one and so did my mom. Well we blew it up for kenidee today and she played with it in the livingroom. (without water) She LOVED it. she would crawl in and out in and out. She is getting so big. She did play in it outside with her dad but we didn't get pictures so next time we will have to do that.
Eli and Kenidee sitting in a very hot car.
Robin bought the girls glow in the dark rings, as you can see they loved them.
Kenidee and I at the fireworks. oh it was also her first pony-tail, but she pulled out the elastic.
Robin waiting for the fire works
Kenidee in her waterless swimming

Don't mess with a man with a handle bar mustache.

Monday, July 2, 2007

First time blogger

Well a few of my college roommates told me I had to start blogging I guess it is the thing to do now. I hope I will have time to update and figure out the neat-o things to do here.
Lets see... Things are going good for us, better then could have been expected, we have been blessed. We moved to Rexburg, Idaho. I forgot how much wind there is here! Robin loves his job he is working for a heating and air conditioning co., and will start school in September. His work will pay for his schooling. Yippee! He is also in charge of the activities for the guys in the ward. So they play softball every sat. They just had there first "guys night" and they played Dodge ball at the church, they all had so much fun. All the guys were complaining about how sore they were. (bunch of old men) :)
I am doing the mom thing. I did get a job with Robin Spencer photography, I work at home and do the wedding albums. I LOVE it! She does them all on photo shop ( some of you know that is how I would scrapbook) so I knew a little bit about it but I have learned so much. I am just finishing up my first album!
Kenidee wants to walk so bad! all day long I hold her fingers trying to trick her to let go. She will sometimes then freaks out when she figures out hey I am just holding on to some dumb toy. She is starting to say some words Duck mom dad Robin taught her to bark:) uh-oh and yuckie and she shakes her head no, when she gets something off the floor or starts chewing on a shoe. She is so cute! She will be one in August it has gone by so fast!