Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Six things about me

I have been tagged again but I guess I should do it because it is different and because I got a reminder from Alisha that I had been tagged and she hadn't seen anything on my blog yet.
So here is goes 6 things you might not have known about me.
1.The top joint of my middle finger on my left hand ( got that) No longer bends well in fact I don't ever remember it bending. I crushed the joint when I was like 5 in a folding chair. So now it is fused together and there for not bending.
2. I think if I was a coffee Drinker I would have to have a cup or two before I talked to ANYONE in the morning. Not a morning person. I guess I am getting better with Kenidee in my life.
3. I think I have a bit of OCD. I have to load the dishwasher a certain way. Plates all have to face the same direction, bottles sipppies and baby bowls all go in the same place EVERY time. Matching cups have to all be together. If robin tries to help I have to change it all around before I can start it. This drives him NUTS but he is getting better at just rinsing and setting it in the dishwasher and letting me do my little OCD thing.
4.I hate doing laundry. Everything about it I hate. So it NEVER is done. (wait is laundry ever really done) Maybe that is what I hate about it. I asked Robin If when we were rich and famous he would let me hire someone to do laundry and he said..YES rich and famous here we come. ;)
5. I rarely eat breakfast foods for breakfast. Milk makes me sick in the morning so I usually have some sort of soup or leftovers from the night before.
6.I am going to be a chaperon for my niece's High School orchestra trip this spring. we are going to California to Disney land and to wicked! I am so excited. My sister, Rebecca, and my aunt Vicki are going as well...I think it will be a bit of a party. I got the wicked CD for my birthday and I listen to it at least once a day so I know all the songs. oh.. could that be a bit pathetic.
There you go 6 thing you may not have known about be but you now do.


KAMBRIA and MATT said...

I hate doing laudry too. My visiting teacher was made a wise observation. "You will never be caught up on laundry unless your whole family stands naked in front of the washing machine."

KAMBRIA and MATT said...

I do know laundry is not spelled laudry. I just don't know how to edit my comment.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! You're a good sport. We've known eachother our whole lives, and I never knew that about your finger. Fascinating!

bryan and megan said...

I too am NOT a lover of laundry. I don't mind throwing it in the washer and then in the dryer. It's the folding and putting it away that I hate. I have noticed though that if I try to do 1 load every couple of days, I feel sooooo much less overwhelmed with it. And now that Madi is older, I give her hers and let her fold it and put it away!!! So nice!!! (One day Steph, you can do that too!!! She will be putting it away instead of pulling it all out!!!)

Robin and Stephenie said...

Megan do you have a blog... I couldn't find it. let me know k

Rachel Holloway said...

Quite fascinating! :) Thanks for sharing...always love to hear those tidbits about people!!

bryan and megan said...

Steph, no blog. YET! I guess I just need to figure out how to do it. I do have an e-mail though.
Let me know what yours is.

Shana Dee said...

steph, I think laundry is a pain!! Lucky for me, Daniel does his own.

Alisha said...

Thanks for accepting my tag! How odd that I lived with you for a year and didn't know most of these things. And BTW-- the thought of eating soup for breakfast makes me want to barf! You're a weird one... that's why I love you!

Shannon said...

you forgot to mention your totaly awesome times that you had with your totaly awesome cousin from Utah! Just kidding! That was fun to read!

Trenda said...

I learned new things about you too! I agree with Alisha on the soup thing . . . your silly! Wow! You are getting popular in the blog world . . . 11 comments. . . isn't it fun!?