Friday, May 6, 2011

Easter Weekend

Easter Weekend started with the traditional Rigby Easter egg hunt. Before the Easter egg hunt started Bennett just wanted to play at the park. I had to hold him at the starting line so he would be able to even do the Easter egg hunt. Bennett went straight for all the salt water taffy. Kenidee was so confused by the mass of children she didn't really know what to do. I think she picked up one piece of candy. :)
 Bennett playing on the tub at the park. He loves being outside.
 Then after the Easter egg hunt it was off to Grandma Shauna's for a special Easter egg hunt for all the kids to find kites that aunt Rebecca "got"for them.  She is such a good Aunt. We also did some egg dying Mitchell and Kenidee couldn't not get the eggs in the dye fast enough. I think that was the fastest egg dying I have ever seen.

 Rachelle working on a special spoon to make it easier for the kids to dye the eggs without cracking every egg they put in the dye.

 Easter morning was a little different Robin had to work so we had Easter morning without daddy. Bennett woke up first and ate all the candy on the floor that the Easter bunny had left. Kenidee work up and found all the other candy.
 The only ouc of Eli easter morning. I am sure he loved his new outfits.
 Kenidee finding easter candy, that Easter bunny loves to hide things all over high and low.
 Some in just plain sight.

 Beautiful easter dresses and handsome little boys.  I think they looked so cute!

 Bennett is such a ham. He loves to have is picture taken, and he is so dang handsome.


aligatorann said...

Ok I can't get over how stinkin cute he is! He's gonna be a heart breaker!

Unknown said...

Happy Easter.

And Bennett is the cutesy little guy ever, I like his hair spiked.

I still can't believe how big kenidee is! Lovely.

Hope you and new baby are getting lots of rest.

Geneal said...

loved the update, bennet is such a charming little man. Your kids are so cute looks like they had fun at grammas house. love ya