Nick and Kari came to visit in August. The kids had so much fun. For the three days they were here the kids swam, played dress up, and barbies. Over and over and over. If they were outside playing and decided to swim then they would just take off there cloths and start swimming, when we would tell them to put on a swim suit it just didn't matter who's swimsuit it was they just got one on. These kids only see each other about once a year but I LOVE how when they do see each other they act like they just saw each other last week. Kari and I sware Kenidee and Ellie share a brain sometimes. Even though they live so far apart from each other they have the same ideas about things, or do the same things. For example when Kenidee and Ellie were about 2 or 3 Kenidee told me that her and Ellie were going to Disney Land on Rocket(from little Einstein's) Well when Kari and I talked one day we told each other what our girls were saying. They do things like that all the time.
While they were here we decided that we should take pictures of all of them together. Well It is hard to take pictures of 6 kids 5 and under. I am going to have to learn to do some head swapping but I think they are okay. Maybe when we go to Washington in November we can try again.
I was really bad at taking pictures of the kids playing, but the ones I do have I love. Miss Lexie and Bennett were drinking blue Gatorade and Lex says to me "Aunt Stephie, Bennett has a blue mouth. He is so messy" So I had to go get my camera so Lexie could see that she had a Messy face too.

I got to meet my Niece Lila! Isn't she so cute!