Monday, October 10, 2011

First Day of School

Well ... (Sigh) my Baby girl is in Kindergarten! She was so excited for school and to ride the bus. She didn't get to bed till really late the night before. I would like to compare the feeling to Christmas eve, waiting for Santa. Kenidee kept getting out of bed needing something.
I vowed I would be okay and not cry, all morning I got close a few times, but I was happy she was going to school. She LOVED Pre-school. I was so excited for her.
 Then I walked Kenidee to the BUS STOP! ( GULP) Growing up I didn't ride the Bus till I was in Middle school. I just couldn't not imagine my little girl getting on that HUGE yellow bus. I was so glad that our neighbor Kiah was there to help her.  Kenidee told me that Kiah even walked her to her class because she couldn't remember where to go. I LOVE Kiah for taking care  of my girl. 
Watching Kenidee get on the bus is when I LOST it! Really I thought I was going to be okay but nope. About the time Kenidee stepped on the bus her mommy started to cry. I knew that she was going to be okay but she is so little and that bus is so big.  I cried as I walked home but I was okay after that.  When Kenidee got home from school I asked her how her first day of Kindergarten was and she said to me"MOM!! GUESS WHAT? THAT BUS HAS NO SEAT BELTS!" Whenever anyone asked her how school was that is what she told them.

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