We decided to do Bennett's birthday party the weekend before his birthday, because family was here and we would know that Robin would be around.
Well the party day came and Robin had gotten the flu, and stayed in our room the whole time sleeping. poor guy. We had many members of our family still around to party with us.
I made monkey cupcakes and we opened gifts. It was very low key and simple until the eating of the cake. I took everything off the cute little monkey cupcake but the ears and gave it to Bennett. Well after shoving in what he could he started to choke a little bit. It turned really quick. Bennett was full on choking. I ripped off his bib and took him out of his chair, I called for Rachelle to help me and she took him and started the Heimlich, she then called to Randy who is an emt and he continued to do the Heimlich with Rebecca on the ground sweeping his mouth. It seemed like forever but I am sure it wasn't to long. Soon he was fine and we found out he was choking on one of the Oreo ears. sheesh. Why did I leave them on. I just held him and cried for a little bit but soon he wanted down. I couldn't even talk about it for days.
My parents gave Bennett a wagon, and after Robin put it together he wouldn't get out. He cried forever. We have used it once before it got to cold but I think it is going to be a popular item this summer.