Today has been "one of those days" No matter what I did I just couldn't make both of my kids happy. One would be laughing and the other one would be crying or they would both be crying. I wanted to give up, lock myself in the bathroom and stay there the rest of the day.
I could not for the life of me keep up on the house and I am in no mood to clean it up. I decided instead of cleaning up dinner and doing dishes I would put pics from my camera on to the computer. While I was doing that I found this picture of my babies. How could I stay frustrated when I saw this picture of them both happy and loving each other. This is what makes being a mom all worth the hard days.
My kids they do fight but they really do love each other. I love when Bennett walks up to Kenidee and gives her a big hug and a wet kiss.
I love that I caught Kenidee and Bennett sitting in a small chair today and Kenidee was reading him 5 little monkeys, because "he wanted a story and she knows the words. "
I love that kenidee is teaching Bennett new words. Like tree window, cow, fence, car, rock.
I love that Bennett can make anyone smile just by his smile. (this might be his life saver)
I love that I have two healthy happy kids.
I love that I have been blessed to take care of these two children of God.
I know there will always be hard days and maybe even days I do lock myself in the bathroom. I need to remind myself everyday how lucky I am to have Kenidee and Bennett in my life.
It was no accident you stumbled on that picture. When you've had a hard day & you're just trying to be a good mother, Heavenly Father will give you those tender mercies to remind you why you're doing what you're doing. That is one adorable picture :) My Nathan is super naughty but has a killer smile & gorgeous eyes with long dark lashes. I often think, too, how that will save him many days :)
Thanks alisha I really need to hear just what you said to me. love you
You are a great mom, even if you do have to lock yourself in the bathroom. You have kids, and I say that meaning kids are kids, some days are great and others subpar. But they love you and you love them. We all have our naughty days. :)
Yes, you are a great mom! And we totally all have those days. ALL OF US! I think it's awesome you came across this picture and softened your heart...I think you were really blessed to see another, better perspective! :) HANG TIGHT!
I am only 14 weeks pregnant, sadly doing this all alone and staying strong and happy, and I just wanted to let you know you're an inspiration. I loved your blog. Thank you. : )
Super Sweet!!
I know as a mother, that we ALL have those days. Oakleigh has been super naughtly lately. Throwing little fits when she doesn't get what she wants and I get so angry and frusterated. But at the end of the day when I watch her sleeping, I feel so bad about getting upset!!! I just have to remember that she is still learning and I am the one who has to teach her!! ;)
Stephenie I love you! I don't want this to sound bad but... Sometimes I have hard days and get online and read blogs about how perfect everyone's life is and the people in it. Talk about depressing. Then I read yours and it made my day. It's real. Someone else has a hard time once in a while! Thank you. BTW I have to agree, hard to stay upset when you see an adorable picture like that.
Love that picture! Your kids are adorable. I've had one of those days today too (It's a mom thing) and after reading your post I think I need to go take a long bath....
You have really adorable children. :)
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