Friday, January 13, 2012

Witches Night Out

My Aunt Shauna had begged us for Years to come down to Utah to go to Witches Night Out at Gardner Village, last year was our first year, and we LOVED it. So it has become a tradition to go down for Witches night out.  What is Witches night out? Well.... it is 2 nights where everyone dresses up as witches and goes shopping and eating and looking at other witches. People go all out. It is so fun! So the first night we took the little girls. They got all dressed up as little witches. This was Kenidee's first time at witches night out, she was so excited that is all she talked about for days before. Not only was she excited to go to witches night out but she was super excited to get to go and play with Sydnee for 3 whole days.

2 of the cutest witches I know.
 Some of the witches walking into the night of festivities. they really look amazing!

Kenidee was so excited! She loved looking at all the different witches!

Sydnee was super excited too. This girl loves to pose. She kills me. 
 This is one of the Witch royalty. Amazing!
 There was a little dance party and Kenidee LOVES to dance It was so cute to watch her up with all the other little witches shaking it!
 Kenidee and Aunt Rachelle.

 Sydnee Kills me! she did this all by herself. no coaching!
 A witch isn't a witch without some sparkle!
Aren't they SO cute! I sure think so. As my aunt and I were waiting in line for our face paint a lady told me that I have really cute girls! HA! I guess they do look enough alike that they could pass for sisters.

Saturday night we left the little girls home and the grown ups went to witches night out. this night we got a little dressed up. We by no means were dressed up like most of the other witches there. We still love it. As an added bonus my Best Friend from College, Heather, moved from Texas to Utah a few weeks before so she came with us. YIPEE! I missed that girl.

I love that my Grandma Luana even gets into it! she looks so dang cute!

 All of us witches ready to go!
 Kenidee didn't really want me to go! kind of heart breaking but she sure did have fun with Sydnee while we were gone.
I love this picture too. Sydnee is such a good little reader and was reading Kenidee a bed time story.

We love going to witches night out. I can't wait to go again next year!

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