Saturday, January 26, 2008

New Words!

Kenidee says a few new words: Delicious and Chocolate. When she is done drinking something she also does the aaah noise. I love it! I did coach her on delicious but she did chocolate all by her self. (she is so smart)

I give her a little mix of cereal and raisins, one day I decided to put a few chocolate chips in the mix. A few days later I gave her the same little snack but with out the chocolate chips, she brought the cup back to me and said "more mommy" I told her look you still have lots eat that then I will give you more. She went and sat back down then she came to me a few minutes later and said "more mommy.... more cockolate peese" What could I do I had to give her some.

She is growing up so fast. Everyday she is looking more and more like a little girl and not my little baby. It is fun watching her learn new things and figuring out things on her own she has started mimicing whatever Robin and I do. SCARY


Anonymous said...

She's not a little baby anymore! When did that happen?!? I'm so glad you're teaching her the most important things in life. My kids used to say, "Chocolate is good for your soul!"

Unknown said...

That is the silliest video ever! She is so cute and I can't believe she is talking so much! We only left 6 months ago!! I love checking your blog, and I have to agree those the best words to teach your kids.

Trenda said...

Too cute! Ambree is talking more and more too . . . I need to video her more. We really need to get together. Our girls would have so much fun and so would we! Maybe in the spring time I'll make a road trip to Rexburg and visit you and some other freinds I have there!

Robin and Stephenie said...

Trenda, We would love it if you came to visit!