Friday, September 26, 2008


I haven't posted in a while, it isn't because we have nothing going on it is just because I can't find the charger for my camera, and our camera has a battery that is specific for that camera. I still have one more place to look, cross your fingers it is in my grandma's car. In the mean time we have been super busy.
At the houses we are trying to get everything sided before it gets way to cold. Our house is DONE.. It looks so cute! I love it. (pictures soon to come when I find the charger. :( )
Then we were hoping to move inside to work for the bitter months of winter. We have been told that we will have to do our fences as soon as we are done siding. So it looks like we will be having to pull out our overalls and boots before we will be able to move into the warmth of an unfinished house.
This program for houses is long and hard but I have been told by others that finished in the last month or so that it is so worth it... lets hope so huh. Robin and I can't wait to have a weekend together. He has been so busy with work, school the house and with ALL his spare time he spends it with Kenidee and I.
Kenidee is growing up so big. she is talking our ears off. This last weekend robin taught her to say "GOOOOOO SEAHAWKS!!!" And when you ask her what her Daddy's team is she says "SEAHAWKS!!!" She woke up so early this week that the stars were still out and she said to me mommy I want to watch Seahawks! Robin couldn't be happier. He loves it.
It was my 29th birthday on Tuesday, I am getting so old. the Sunday before we had a family dinner and the best cake in the world(thanks mom) One Tuesday robin was home from work so we got to hang out together and we went and worked on the house for a few hours then off to my favorite place to eat Olive Garden (thanks Rod) Robin and I have it worked out so we share a meal and he gets soup and I get salad. it works out great and we don't spend a ton and we still have leftovers. (great for breakfast). I had a wonderful day, thanks to family and friends that called and remembered my birthday and for the ones that called the next day thanks for helping my birthday last just one more day.
Kenidee is starting to look like a such a big girl. She was standing by the door waiting for me to get my shoes on so we could leave and I just saw my baby waiting for the school bus to come and get her for school. It is fun that she is growing up and learning so much and has her own opinions, the other day I was getting her dresses and she told me momma no jeans... I wear these and held up pink sweat pants. I tried to talk her out of it and tried to put a different shirt on her but no it was pink sweats and a turquoise shirt. Oh well what can you do.
You can give her a color book and crayons and she will color all day long she loves it. in fact when we go somewhere in the car we have to take them with us.
I don't know how much she really understands about the baby but she comes up to my belly and says "hi baby hi" she loves to "tickle" the baby, and get this folks she calls it her baby sister. No coaching there. The other morning when she woke up so early I was rocking her and the baby was kicking so hard and Kenidee could feel it so I told her that her baby was saying hello she loved it she just let me hold her and rock her and when she would feel the baby kicking she would giggle and say hi baby.
People told me "oh just wait till she is two she is going to give you a run for your money!" I love it so far she makes me laugh, she is such a good girl and she is learning so much. Don't get me wrong we have our "two days" I like to call them but I love every min. of it. We have so much fun together.


Carlie said...

she sounds like she has such a funny personality! it makes life so interesting when they start getting their own opinions. mason is only 11 months but it still makes me laugh when he expresses his opinion to his dad! it's usually not very quiet!

Rachel Holloway said...

HOW TOUGH to not have your camera charged and ready to go! :)

I am so glad your house is getting done...slowly, but surely! I bet you will be SO glad when it's done!

And I too want to know how EVERY child happens to FIND that one TERRIBLE outfit that you just can't GET RID OF--and they ALWAYS choose to wear it! Why cant they fall in love with something TOTALLY cute?!? :)

Kari said...

Hearing that she loves the Seahawks makes me more excited for her Christmas present. It may be Seahawks related!

Jensen said...

Reading your blog really makes me miss you guys! I am glad to hear that everything is going good for you guys! Hopefully you will be able to find your charger soon!

Anonymous said...

hey steph!!! I love that you can find lost friends with blogger. Your little girl is such a cutie. Good to hear from you and good luck with the house thing. What a huge accomplishment.