Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Potty Training Day 1

Well I decided that we would start potty training today. I really want her to be potty trained by the time the baby is here. After potty training it is goodbye Binky.
I have no idea what I am doing but we put on panties and told her all the ins and outs. so far so good, she has sat on the potty a few times and nothing. so every 15 min or so I take her to the bathroom. She knows that if she goes in the potty she gets a chocolate chip. I guess we will see how the remainder of the day goes.
If anyone had any tips I would love them.


Kristin and Jay said...

For some reason the prize being a chocolate chip cracks me up. That is really hilarious!

*~McGarys~* said...

I think it sounds like a good start. I still have Noah in a diaper just in case. But I have takin him twice today and he went both times. So I hope I can just keep on him about going. I just put him on it and tell him to stay there while I get a diaper that way I'm not staring at him. lol And when I leave the bath room I turn the water on. I'm not sure if that helps but I think it might. :) I hope to have him ready by thanksgiving but we'll see.

Kari said...

Sounds like you're off to a good start. I've been setting a timer for Ellie and whenever it goes off she goes potty. Just remember that if she isn't ready to potty train, she isn't going to do it. Good luck. I hope things go smoothly. I hear there is a great book out there called potty training in one day. I've lots of people say it works.

Robin and Stephenie said...

Kris She loves Chocolate chips she begs for them all the time. so why not right. :)

Alisha said...

I am SO knowledgeable about potty training... just kidding. But I did watch that new show "The Doctors" & had a discussion about it with friends on Saturday. My recommendation based on that would be to use training pants. They feel wet but it helps avoid the mess. Gerber makes some that have vinyl on the outside so it's all in one. Here's a web site where you can buy them: http://shop.clothdiaper.com/shared/StoreFront/default.asp?CS=clothdiape&StoreType=BtoC&Count1=272976100&Count2=190116524&ProductID=95&Target=products.asp

Also, my sister trained my nephew with M&M's & when he had an accident, he had to flush one. It worked fast! he didn't like candy going down the toilet!

Unknown said...

So I don't have any experience potty training but I love what has been suggested. (even the flushing of a candy when there is an accident) haha that is funny. Good luck and can't wait to hear how it goes.

Jenn said...

I hate potty training more than anything!! Just wanted to tell you that. Good Luck, I tried everthing. Even a baby that went pee. I think that was one of Dr.Phil's brilliant ideas. I would turn on the tap too, I also did a potty chart with stickers. Both of my kids really liked that. One word of advice is to buy a carpet cleaner, it will come it handy!!

Amy said...

Oh, good luck!! I potty trained both boys at the same time and it was truly a test of my patience! I would say set the timer for every 15 minutes and make a huge deal out of it. As soon as the timer goes off, say "It's potty time!" Yeah! Make it seem like it's the most immportant thing in the world! I'm sure she'll get the hang of it soon! And Congrats about the baby! How exciting!!