Friday, November 4, 2011

Six months

I can not believe that my little guy is getting so big. It makes me so sad that babies grow up so fast. Eli is such a good baby. He cries when he is wanting to eat or when he is being "loved" by his big sister or brother. He still has no teeth, but is working on them. He can get to where he needs to go, and crawls like crazy. When he was learning how to crawl he would push up on his hands then stand on is feet, I thought for sure one day he would just get up and walk. Eli will not take a binki Sometimes it drives me crazy, but I am glad I guess that he has not interest in it. . When Kenidee and Bennett are playing and running around Eli gets sad and tries to keep up with them. 

 I was trying to take Eli's pic and when I took it I looked at him and said Hey do you have something in your mouth! sure did. It does not matter how much I vacuum he still finds something to put in his mouth.
 Getting loves from the best big sister ever. Oh and look at this babies Thighs love them.

first snow of the year

October 6 was the first snow fall of the year.It is kind of family tradition that when the first snow falls we get to play Christmas music that day, but then not again until after Thanksgiving.   It snowed quit a bit and was perfect snow man building snow. HEAVY and wet.  My poor little maple tree still had all it's leaves on it and its little branches were so heavy. When I looked out the front door it's branches were laying on the ground, thank goodness they weren't broken off. Needless to say I was a little frantic. I knew at any minute my little tree's branches would break off. So my hero (Robin) went out and shook all the snow off the tree. He was soaked and cold when he got back in, but I think he saved little  maple tree's branches from any permanent damage.
Kenidee and Bennett had so much fun playing in the snow. Kenidee rolled and rolled snow to  make a snowman. Bennett well.... he just rolled and rolled. They were both outside for a long time. When they finally decided that they were wet and cold, they came in to enjoy a hot cup of hot chocolate.
In a day or two the snow had melted and Kenidee and Bennett were both a little sad but soon we will have snow until June! 

Monday, October 31, 2011


My kids LOVE being read to. They will let anyone who is willing read to them. I think papa Bear has a million hours reading to Kenidee.  Rachelle was reading to them the other night and I thought it was so cute how Kenidee and Bennett were sitting all over Rachelle.They sure do love her and Rachelle is so good to them.

 Now Kenidee is learning to read and can read some books. This night I found her reading to Bennett, I had to go do something quick and put Eli with them when I came back Kenidee was reading to her brothers. She is such a good sister and is so excited to be READING!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A surprise guest

On September 19 we had an expected guest. GRANDPA WRIGHT! Grandpa Wright is Robin's grandpa, and Bennett's name sake.  We don't get to see Grandpa Wright very often maybe once a year. We got a phone call saying he was in Idaho falls and wanted to come and see us. He had never met Eli. We had a good visit. It was a short visit but we were so glad that grandpa made time to come and see us. We love you Grandpa Wright.

Sitting Up

On September 11 Eli started sitting up. He is getting so big his 6 month sats are:
16 lbs 12 oz 25 and a half inches long and his head is 16and a half inches. Eli is getting so big. He LOVES his daddy. As soon as Robin walks in the door he is all smiles. He is now rolling and crawling all over the place. He still does not have any teeth. We call him toothless. Other nicknames he has been given is Thor, Orangutan  (thank you meter maid in Rigby) Eli has really crazy hair. Kenidee and Bennett love having a little brother and are good helpers. They do so good at making him laugh. The only sad thing is that Eli is growing up so fast.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Eastern Idaho State Fair

Oh the Blackfoot Fair... I love going. I love taking my kids. This year we were on a tight schedule because Robin had to be back for work so we didn't get to do a lot of things we normally do. that is okay we had lots of fun. My Mom took care of Eli that was so nice not to have to worry about him and both Kenidee and Bennett could ride in the stroller.

This little train was pulled by a four wheeler around this lot. I thought it was going to shake the kids right out of the barrels. Kenidee and Bennett LOVED it. It was the best $4.00 we spent all day.
Kenidee's favorite part of the Fair is the petting Zoo. She LOVES to feed the Goats. She love all animals, she has to get that from her JuJu. She would feed the goats right out of her hands. Bennett would rather have the goat eat out of the cup.  He didn't like how it felt to have the goats mouth and tongue on his hands.
We could have left Bennett climbing on all the tractors all day long and he would have been the happiest boy around. In fact we were here looking and climbing on tractors for a long time. Funny thing Bennett would only get on the Ford Tractors. He Did not want to get on the other tractors.
Maybe next year we will be able to stay longer and do more. I still love the Fair and all the things to look at. It was a fun little family day. Oh and I want you to notice what Kenidee is wearing, she HAD to wear her boots because we were going to the fair. I love that girl.

Monday, October 10, 2011

First Day of School

Well ... (Sigh) my Baby girl is in Kindergarten! She was so excited for school and to ride the bus. She didn't get to bed till really late the night before. I would like to compare the feeling to Christmas eve, waiting for Santa. Kenidee kept getting out of bed needing something.
I vowed I would be okay and not cry, all morning I got close a few times, but I was happy she was going to school. She LOVED Pre-school. I was so excited for her.
 Then I walked Kenidee to the BUS STOP! ( GULP) Growing up I didn't ride the Bus till I was in Middle school. I just couldn't not imagine my little girl getting on that HUGE yellow bus. I was so glad that our neighbor Kiah was there to help her.  Kenidee told me that Kiah even walked her to her class because she couldn't remember where to go. I LOVE Kiah for taking care  of my girl. 
Watching Kenidee get on the bus is when I LOST it! Really I thought I was going to be okay but nope. About the time Kenidee stepped on the bus her mommy started to cry. I knew that she was going to be okay but she is so little and that bus is so big.  I cried as I walked home but I was okay after that.  When Kenidee got home from school I asked her how her first day of Kindergarten was and she said to me"MOM!! GUESS WHAT? THAT BUS HAS NO SEAT BELTS!" Whenever anyone asked her how school was that is what she told them.


 Nick and Kari came to visit in August. The kids had so much fun. For the three days they were here the kids swam, played dress up, and barbies. Over and over and over. If they were outside playing and decided to swim then they would just take off there cloths and start swimming, when we would tell them to put on a swim suit it just didn't matter who's swimsuit it was they just got one on.  These kids only see each other about once a year but I LOVE how when they do see each other they act like they just saw each other last week. Kari and I sware Kenidee and Ellie share a brain sometimes. Even though they live so far apart from each other they have the same ideas about things, or do the same things. For example when Kenidee and Ellie were about 2 or 3 Kenidee told me that her and Ellie were going to Disney Land on Rocket(from little Einstein's) Well when Kari and I talked one day we told each other what our girls were saying. They do things like that all the time.

While they were here we decided that we should take pictures of all of them together. Well It is hard to take pictures of 6 kids 5 and under. I am going to have to learn to do some head swapping but I think they are okay. Maybe when we go to Washington in November we can try again.


 I was really bad at taking pictures of the kids playing, but the ones I do have I love. Miss Lexie and Bennett were drinking blue Gatorade and Lex says to me "Aunt Stephie, Bennett has a blue mouth. He is so messy" So I had to go get my camera so Lexie could see that she had a Messy face too.

I got to meet my Niece Lila! Isn't she so cute! 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Tyra Jr. Miss

The First of August my Mom, Rachelle and I got to go down to Utah to see my cousin Tyra in her Jr. Miss (its not called that anymore but I can't remember what it is called.) A little back ground on Tyra and I. Shauna (tyra's mom) and I joke that I raised her. I did almost until they moved to Utah. When I went to College Tyra would come and stay the night with me. One time Shauna didn't get there in time to get Tyra and I had to take her to class, I think she was about 4 or 5. I packed her a sandwich, and a coloring book and crayons, but she needed a drink, and to say the least photography class was just not made for a 5 year old.
I am not sure if this was the same time but I was taking Tyra home after staying with me and I ran out of gas. She was dead asleep in the back seat and wouldn't wake up so I carried her a mile or so to find a phone.( this was before everyone in the world had a cell phone)
I would spend summers by the fire pit in their back yard while Tyra and Ethan acted out movies for me.
When I left to do my student teacing in Washington I think she was 10, she made me this blanket, it is beautiful! So I guess what I am trying to say is that Trya and I have a special bond. She is more than my little cousin. So....
We had to rent a car because my mom's car was hit and she had not yet got her a new one. When the lady behind the desk told us all they had left was a chevy traverse I almost jumped for joy. I love that car. That car was my "baby" the rest of the trip. When we had to give the keys back I didn't even make her pry the keys out of my hands. :) Anyway... We got to the Eckersell home in time to help Tyra get her hair and make up done. It was so fun to help her. Rachelle and went to the school early to help her get all situated but she really didn't need  much help she had an amazing stage mom who took awesome care of her. Tyra had a whole cheering section, it was so fun to see her all dressed up and to hear her play the piano WOW! she is so good. When it was all said and done Tyra was proud of her self and so were the rest of us. She did so good, and I might add she go the most flowers out of anyone on stage. It was so fun to get away and to go and support Tyra.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

i'm FIVE

August 11 my baby girl turned 5! I can not believe it. She is so grown up, and a bit sassy. She is so excited to be able to go to kindergarten this fall. Kenidee is a big helper, she helps with her brother all the time. She loves to have"pageant hair" (curly hair). She loves dress up and riding her bike with only 2 wheels. ( a new trick she learned this summer) She never wears shoes she is a bit like her mommy that way. She loves strawberry milk, and to make her own concoctions they usually contain  of a little milk, chocolate sauce, and some strawberry milk powder.  she LOVES it.

 This year for her birthday she had a few request... first of all she wanted a rainbow Carmel corn cake and ice cream. Then for her birthday she wanted a lamp, and a night stand, table and chairs for her birthday. Don't most 5 year olds ask for barbies and my little ponies. So trying to be a good mom Rebecca and mastered the cake,and Robin sculpted the number 5 on top.Kenidee thought the cake was amazing, just what she wanted she even told me it looked like a  wedding cake.

when  I was growing up my parents always got pictures of us blowing out our candles, some of the faces we would pull would be so funny. So here we go Kenidee blowing out her birthday candles.

This is the lamp my sweet girl requested. With the idea from my friend Kristin and help from the ladies at the ribbion retreat and Rachelle it turned out Soooo cute. I spray painted the lamp pink to match her room and covered the shade with cute fabric, that also matched her room.

Kenidee really wanted to invite our new neighbors over for her birthday. These girls have so much run together.

Kenidee loves Michael.  He teases her until she can hardly stand it, but they have an agreement if she tells him with out whinning to stop or she does not feel like being teased then he grants her wish. Uncle Rod and Desi they are always so much fun. Almost everytime Rod sees Kenidee he gives her what he calls a million kisses, and kisses her all over her face. she loves it.

Kenidee's night stand and table. she loves it.

The cake really is beautiful, thank you aunt Rebecca I couldn't have done it with out you.

This is my Grandma in the yellow and her little sister Coleen. It was so cute. Grandma was reading this book her coleen. I just thought it was adorable. Aunt coleen is holding Baby Hayden.
Bennett became a cowboy at the party. He was  being so cute. Riding around on his stick horse with his floppy cowboy hat.

Bennett loved to make people laugh. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kenidee my darling

Kenidee is so funny. she loves to have her picture taken but she has to do what she wants to do.  So it takes me awhile to get a good one of this silly girl. This day I just thought she looked super cute and starting to be so grown up. love                

Bennett is learning to wink.... If I do say so myself he is so cute, messy face and all.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fourth of July!

We love the 4th of July! I love looking for cute 4th of July outfits for my kids. :) It was so fun to have JuJu here with us, she loves the 4th of July here just as much as we do.She has come over for the fourth for the last few years.We love having Ju Ju with us we just don't get to see her enough.
We also got a special treat this year, Uncle Chris (robins brother) came over and we got to meet his "friend" Megan! It was a short trip for them in fact I think they were here less then 18 hours but it was worth it; well to us.The day was super fun we started it by going to lunch with Robin's family at Red Robin.Then I took the kids home and Robin and his family went to find an air conditioner for the house, it was hot and because we don't have a basement to escape to it was almost more than Judy to bear. I have LOVED that little window unit, it does and amazing job. THANK YOU!
Then it was off to Menan to the parade They hand out  Chocolate Milk, umm what else do you need on a hot day but a cold chocolate milk? It was so hot I had to go find some shade for Eli and I he was just too hot. What I saw of the parade it was so cute and small town, just how I like it.

Bennett and Juju enjoying the parade. Bennett just does not like loud things like Fire Trucks. So he was just happy to be with his Juju.

Little Eli before we retreated to a little shade. I love his little hat!

Kenidee waiting for the parade to start! I love that she will still let me put mondo bows in her hair.  I think she is SOOO cute.

I love love love this picture! My kids don't get to see there uncles very often. this was Chris's first time seeing Eli. Megan sent me this picture and I am so glad she did. Did I mention I love it!

Megan and Eli. It was so fun to meet Megan, we have heard so much about her and it was nice to finally put a face to the name. I just hope we get to know her better.

See Eli loves Megan she even got a smile out of him:)

Bennett & Kenidee waiting for the Fireworks to start. It seemed like it took forever.  While we were waiting Kenidee ran into her friend Trevor from pre-school. She adores him. When I pointed him out she just stared at him and ask if she could go talk to him. Trevor seemed a little overwhelmed by all the "love" she was giving him but soon they were laughing and talking and having races. She has missed that boy.

Bennett was so tired but when the fireworks started he sat on the blanket with his ears covered and watched, so I guess he loved them. It might have been mixed feelings.

In between the parade and the fireworks we went home for naps and to cool off. Juju sat in the end of the pool and requested there not be pictures taken of her. (your wish is my command) Kenidee had fun jumping in the pool, and swimming around. Others (Chris) wanted a tan, and was very content on sitting in the sun.
A little side note:  See the little bruise on Kenidee's leg. It is from her shots for kindergarten. She walked around like an old lady for days. poor thing.

Kenidee and her Uncle Chris. I am so happy my kids warmed up to him so fast. They loved him and they had fun with him while he was here. Chris also brought with him some amazing fireworks. we didn't have time to do them while he was here but we did enjoy them a few days later. Thanks Chris.

It was a fantastic day, I loved having some of Robin family here. Even though we live so far away from them I really want my kids to have a relationship with their grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. It is going to be hard but I want to do everything I can do so they know and love all of  Robins family.  I think I have my work cut out for me.