Friday, May 23, 2008

Family of Four! :)

I couldn't wait anymore. I wanted to tell all my friends and family that we are EXPECTING. I went to the Dr. last week and everything is going good. The only thing is that I wasn't as far along as I thought. I thought the babies due date would be the 10th of December, but after the ultra sound at the DR. he informed me that I was due December 21 so that put me back a whole 2 weeks. We are excited, I have been sick in the mornings when I first wake up but then I have some toast and I am fine till about 3:00 in the afternoon. then I am so sick.
We have told Kenidee, but she is so little she really does not understand. in fact we were driving in the car today and I asked her if she will help me with the baby when it comes and she said yes then I asked her a bunch of questions like; will you change the diapers? Uh huh, will you feed them a bottle? uh huh, will you share your Binky with the baby? she didn't even think about it and answered NO! So I guess that is where she stands on that.
We just hope we can get our house built and moved in before the little one comes.


Jensen said...

I AM SOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! Nathanial's due date was December 20th!! You will have to keep us all informed!! Let me know if there is anything that you need!!

Jana said...

Yeah!!!! I'm so excited for you guys and for the new little one to come!! Christmas baby! Just don't wrap it's presents in Christmas paper or put them under the tree ok :) My mom found out the hard way :) Do you want to know what I did for nausea? Tried to eat protein (cheese, beans, nuts)BEFORE I got hungry to keep my sugar level and took a little nap every day. Oh, and lots of water. I read a little article that gave these tips and said that said if you let yourself get nauseous, it's too late cause then you can't eat and then you get more sick. Oh, and dairy products seem to make a lot of women nauseous, like ice cream and yogurt and milk. But, you'll find out what helps you. One time a hot dog did it for me :) I hope your preganacy is great and the nausea stops soon.
How far apart will your kiddos be?

Mamma Mia said...

Hurrah!!! congrats Markham family. We love out #2. Babies are the best, Toddlers not so much right now. Yeah, I cannot wait. We're so happy for you. Ohh, and the baby counter is a little creepy.

Kristin and Jay said...

Yay! I am so excited to see another cute little Markham baby. You make adorable ones =)!! I hope you start feeling better soon. I hate feeling nauseous!! I am coming to Rigby Sunday Monday Tuesday. Maybe we can hang out!! Congrats again!

Loleen said...

Hey, Congratulations. That is so exciting. Your little girl, Kenidee is so cute. Good luck with everything and I hope you feel better soon.

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! That is going to be so much fun for you to have a baby around Christmas time to show off and share with family. I hope you start feeling better soon. And Kenidee is hilarious!

Cori Hintze said...

Yeah! I am so excited for you! At least you are already a pro at it! I'm struggling. Six more months and it seems like forever! Congrats!! Maybe we will both have holiday babies! Halloween and Christmas!

Jenn said...

I am so excited for you!! Congrats, hope you get feeling better. I ate crystalized ginger, you get it at the health food stores. Maybe it might help? Take CAre. Love ya!!

The Justice Family said...

Congrats! That is soooo exciting! Luke was born December 29th and I am going to celebrate a half birthday with him. Since it is so close to Christmas I want him to another special day. Also June 29th is the day my daughter was born and so we can also take something to her grave that day. Just make it a special day. Anyways I can't wait to see you grow and see ultrasounds.

Shana Dee said...

Hey, that is amazing! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!

Rachel Holloway said...

HOORAY!! How exciting for you guys! What a wonderful time of life--new house, new baby...lots to look forward to!

bryan and megan said...

CONGRATS!!! I am so excited for you. For my nausea, it was saltine crackers and dry cereal. Infact, for the first couple of months, that was almost all I ate, and nothing fried. Fried foods would make it worse for me.
I am so happy for you!
How is the house coming?

Anonymous said...

I KNEW IT!!! Something you said in a comment to me tipped me off! I am so excited for you! I've heard the ginger thing works great... I just ate cereal bars. Feel better soon!

Caroline's birthday is Dec 5th, so I put crepe paper and balloons on the Christmas tree to make it special just for her day!

Robin and Stephenie said...

Thanks for all your advice. I will have to try all of them.We are excited and my little brother Rod's b-day is teh 15 of december and he has told me many of the same things you guys have told me to make the baby's birthday it's own day. We will keep you all posted.

Jolyn said...

Congratulations! I'm sorry I can't help with morning sickness recommendations (I really didn't get sick with Kaayl), but I do hope that you get feeling better soon, and I hope everything is good with baby. I'm so excited for you guys.

Anonymous said...

way to go! Christmas b-days are the pits, ask uncle brian. hope you have it a little sooner like my b-day on the 5th. anyways hope you dont get to sick, but in time this too shall pass!! love ya lots aunt geneal

Carlie said...

that's awesome! I am so excited for you. mason is only 7 months old and im already missing the baby stage. hope your "queazys" go away soon. they're never fun!

Trenda said...

Ohhh, this is just one more person having a baby when their other child is about the same age as Ambree! I can't handle the pressure . . . I'm not ready for another one yet! Congrats to you though! What is your summer schedule like? Let's plan a little roomie reunion now and mark our calenders!

Krystal said...

Congratulations, Steph! I am so excited for you. I'm sure that Kenidee will be a good big sister (even if she won't share her binky.)

Anonymous said...

congrads on your new addition to the family. We also have a new addition her name is Rian she was born 3/24/08. Amy is a proud mom.
grandma gave me your blog and I think this is wonderful she is also excited about another great grandchild. S goes I am going to have 5 all under 3. Congrads again waiting to see more pixs love Sis

Shannon said...

Ok so I read this when you first posted it, and I have shared the news with all of the familt here in SLC, but I forgot to tell you how happy I am for you! CONGRATS! This is super awesome! And just so you know Trevor's birthday is Dec. 21st! It's a good day!

Anyway, I am really happy for you guys!