Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Baby Update

We went to the Dr. yesterday to do a growth ultra sound. The baby is doing fine, actually better then fine the little guy is about 7 lbs and 9 oz! He still has 5 weeks till Due date. He has turned ,at the hospital he was sideways, so now he is head down. We will be going into the Dr. twice a week to monitor the baby and to see how I am doing. So we will be playing it by ear. I really want to wait till after Friday..... One word Twilight! :) Then lets see if we can make it after Thanksgiving.
Yesterday my blood pressure was really good so I was happy about that but they still need to watch me close and I still need to be taking it easy.

How is Kenidee doing with all this? We have talked to her about a baby brother coming. We talk about it alto. She is picking out toys in Christmas magazines for her brother, she tells me she will give him binkis and change his poopy pants. YIPPEE!!! :) she talks to him in my belly, tells him jokes and laughs... but She has to have me, she wants me to do everything. Before I could never put her to bed at night she only wanted Robin,now she just wants me. She has been acting up and being quite sassy. Some people have told me that they have experienced this, the child knows that things are going to be changing soon. We will just have to take one day at a time. I guess that is the story of our lives now adays.

Now about the house! Justen my older brother helped Robin a few nights last week and all day saturday. Thank you J, and Bri for letting him come help. So on Saturday they got our house all sheet rocked! I don't know do you take pictures of white walls. I might go out and do that. It is starting to look like a house! We have people come in and tape and texture it. Now we have 4 houses sheet rocked and 5 to go! They have got our fence posts up and most of the wood between the posts in. We are waiting on contractors and inspections on 3 of the houses they are really far behind ours, but hopefully soon we will be able to start working on the other houses


bryan and megan said...

Glad to hear things are going well. I hope you took it easy over the weekend and rested!!!! :)

Rachel Holloway said...

So much good news over there! Hooray!! Here's to holding out for that baby so you can enjoy your Twilight and Turkey day!

Unknown said...

It is good to hear things have progressed better. I am hoping you make it past Thanksgiving too. And yes take pictures of the house, we all want to see! :)

Jenn said...

I hope you have your baby early!! I wouldn't want you to have a toddler like I did!! I am glad your house is coming along. I had a ticket to Twilight on Thursday night, but I can't go. You can have it- but I don't think you would like to drive to Utah!! Hang in there!!

Lauren said...

It's good to hear that you're doing well. I am excited for Twilight too! I totally understand the need to keep him in before then, lol!

brittneyboucha said...

Lou Lou is the same way as kenidee. she is so excited for her baby brother to get here, but wants to be held all the time and needs lots of mommy time and just extra attention and it didnt start till i hit the last trimester. they are very intuitive little guys.

{Alynn} said...

I keep watching your blog for baby pictures, but I'm glad everything is going well! Good luck... don't eat too much turkey and pop that boy out! : ) Call me if I can do anything!