Eli Aaron was born April 5 at 1:37 pm. He weighed 8 pounds 4 oz and was 20 inches long. He looks a lot like his big brother. He was born with more hair then my other two kids. Robin and I are debating if it is red or not. When Eli is in the sunshine his hair looks very red. Eli is kind of a noisy baby so far he makes noise all the time, so I guess he will fit right into our little family
Kenidee is so excited to have a new baby brother but when she found out we were naming him Eli she called me and asked me why I was naming him that, and that she really wanted his name to be cartridge. I told her that if she wanted to call Eli Cartridge then I guess she could.
Bennett doesn't really understand that Eli is part of our family and that one day he will be coming home with us.
I so far am healing ok. We have run into a few technical difficulties, that may or may not be related to my last experience of a C-section. The Dr and nurses are really trying to help me avoid that this time.
Robin is trying to take care of me and the kids (with help of my family) go to school and work. He is one busy and tired dad, But no questions about it. Robin is the BEST daddy any kids could have.
When I start feeling better and take more pics I will post them.
oh my goodness! he is ADORABLE! and i am loving the name choice. heal fast and know that my thoughts are with you and your sweet family.
Stephenie!! Oh my heck!! He is so precious!! Congrats!! Let me know if I can do anything to help!
He is perfect! Name and all. Congratulations to you. I do hope you heal better and fast this time too. Enjoy your new new baby boy.
love his name! TOO cute!!! Congrats, and hope you heal well and adjust to life quickly! :)
he is so adorable and I like the name it is perfect. I hope you continue to heel well.
Congratulations! He looks wonderful, and I hope you heal up o.k. Can't wait to see more cute pics!
Steph! I have been on the edge of my seat wondering about you and adorable little Eli! Sooo cute! Congrats and let me know if I can help with anything too!
I love that Kennidee is stuck on Cartridge... HILARIOUS!
What a cute little boy. I am happy he finally made it here safely. Get better. I will see you next weekend. Love you tons.
What a darling little guy! Good choice of name. James was almost an Eli (maybe we'll use that name in the future.)
That last comment was from me, btw.
Congratulations! He is such a cutie! Babies are so fun. Glad you are doing well.
Congrats! He is adorable! Good luck with adjusting to three kids. You can do it! :)
Oh how cute and adorable, he looks like he belongs!! Great name although i was holding out for Stirling ! Hehe Just kidding!! Hope you are soon feeling better and are up and about real soon. Love you guys!!
CONGRATS!!! He is adorable! Im sure Kenidee will be a great BIG helper. I hope you continue to heal good and everything goes smoothly.! Enjoy him!
CONGRATS! So happy for you! I hope the healing comes quickly!
Oh, he is absolutely perfect!!! I love his name too! What an adorable little family you have! Congratulations!
Congrats! He is a cutie! Hope all goes well with your recovery.
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