I made Kenidee pancakes and jam for breakfast and she was so sticky her hands were sticking to her face, she thought this was great. Now when she gets sticky she tries to make her hands stick to her face.
Friday, February 29, 2008
House update
We have a foundation, and a floor! Things are coming along slowly but I think things will start picking up. Right now it isn't much to look at but it is so exciting.
I think they have one more foundation to pour then we will be all set. Things are getting so muddy out there, and it is only going to get worse. I can't wait till we can start working inside our houses and be warm, but I think by then it will be nice summer weather and we will all be inside.

I think they have one more foundation to pour then we will be all set. Things are getting so muddy out there, and it is only going to get worse. I can't wait till we can start working inside our houses and be warm, but I think by then it will be nice summer weather and we will all be inside.
What does burnt toast mean?
This day I should have been kicked out of the Kitchen. To start the morning off I burnt my toast, so I scraped the burnt stuff off, and ate my hard toast. Made cookies and preheated the oven and I started to smell something like muffins, then I remembered AAAGH ROBINS BIRTHDAY CAKE! I put it in the oven and soooo forgot about it. The plastic lid melted and ran down into the oven what a mess. Good thing my sisters were there to help.
Then that night I was making dinner and to make a long story short I tried to take a short cut and it ended up taking more time and when I thought everything was done I cut a piece of chicken and it was still not done! I should have just stayed out of the kitchen after I burnt my toast.
Peeps or Ducks
Robin got a package of Peeps for his birthday. Kenidee saw them and kept saying duck, duck, duck. So Robin gave her one and she wouldn't eat it she wanted to play with it. Then I put her in the high chair and she still didn't really know what to do with the peep. she did taste it but never did eat the whole thing.
Happy Birthday Robin!
It was Robin's 29 th Birthday on the 24. We went out to dinner on the 23 (thanks Alex for tending Kenidee). On Robin's Birthday I got up and made him Biskets and Gravy, then that night we went and ate taco's at my moms and did cake and icecream with the family. When asked Robin what kind of cake he wanted and he told me strawberry cake with strawberry frosting. So that is what he got a pink cake. My memory card was full so this is all I got I think the pictures of the cake were on my moms camera I will have to post them later.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
New Names
This was on one of My friends blogs and It made me laugh, and I thought it would be fun
1.YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car)
Burt Impala
2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie)
Vanilla Chocolate peanut butter chip.
3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name) SMAR
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Blue Penguin
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)
Rachel Rexburg
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first)Marst
7. SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink)
The Yellow Ice water. (hummm better not drink me)
8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers)
Samuel Bruce
9. STRIPPER NAME: ( the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy)
Very Sexy Snickers!
10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother & father’s middle names)
Jo Wayne (mom doesn’t have a middle name so I decided to use my oldest sisters)
11. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter)
Owen Ottawa
12. SPY NAME/BOND GIRL: (your favorite season/holiday, flower)
Summer Lilly
13. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”)Grape Pajamaie
14. HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree)
Cold Pizza Birch
15. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”)
The Photography Sunshine Tour
1.YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car)
Burt Impala
2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie)
Vanilla Chocolate peanut butter chip.
3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name) SMAR
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Blue Penguin
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)
Rachel Rexburg
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first)Marst
7. SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink)
The Yellow Ice water. (hummm better not drink me)
8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers)
Samuel Bruce
9. STRIPPER NAME: ( the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy)
Very Sexy Snickers!
10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother & father’s middle names)
Jo Wayne (mom doesn’t have a middle name so I decided to use my oldest sisters)
11. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter)
Owen Ottawa
12. SPY NAME/BOND GIRL: (your favorite season/holiday, flower)
Summer Lilly
13. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”)Grape Pajamaie
14. HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree)
Cold Pizza Birch
15. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”)
The Photography Sunshine Tour
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Baby Mullet
I am so happy Kenidee’s hair is getting longer. I have one problem; my sweet little girl is getting a mullet. I love her little curls and the end of her hair and I am afraid that if I cut it there goes the one time in her life she won’t have extremely straight hair.
I have talked to many people about this and some say oh let it grow it will be alright, and others say cut it you don’t want your daughter to have a mullet do you? Umm of course I don’t want her to have a mullet. Then I think will she look like a little boy if I cut her hair?
I took a few pictures tonight but she wouldn’t hold still surprise surprise. So this is what you get to judge the baby mullet by. I will try to get more. Please help me decide what to do. Cut the Baby mullet or let the mullet take its course and grow out.
I have talked to many people about this and some say oh let it grow it will be alright, and others say cut it you don’t want your daughter to have a mullet do you? Umm of course I don’t want her to have a mullet. Then I think will she look like a little boy if I cut her hair?
I took a few pictures tonight but she wouldn’t hold still surprise surprise. So this is what you get to judge the baby mullet by. I will try to get more. Please help me decide what to do. Cut the Baby mullet or let the mullet take its course and grow out.
Classic side view
Monday, February 18, 2008
My sister Rebecca and I were driving home from Logan last night and reminiscing about hazardous playground equipment. One that came to mind was our personal favorite the Giant stride. (I called this giant strikes thanks Bec for helping me out some 20 years later.) As we compared notes our memories were almost identical.
1) Two bars are better than one.
2) Smell of dirty metal
3) Blisters on the fatty parts of the hands right under the fingers.
4) Being launched into space
5) Hanging on and praying that you don’t fling off and skid across the pavement and gravel
6) Wrapping your chain around all the other chains launching you into a superman flight and having a tall friend to push you over even higher. (note to self avoid button up shirts.)
7) G-O Go Low-way or G-O Go high-way.
As we compared notes we found that this goes back for generations. Our mom has many of the same memories. It is a wonder that we all haven’t been killed off by the Giant Strides (not strikes)
We got home late but I still had to search Google for a Picture for those who did not get to experience this great childhood memory. Rebecca and I both think that the middle pole was much taller than the one in this picture. Maybe even 2 times taller.
1) Two bars are better than one.
2) Smell of dirty metal
3) Blisters on the fatty parts of the hands right under the fingers.
4) Being launched into space
5) Hanging on and praying that you don’t fling off and skid across the pavement and gravel
6) Wrapping your chain around all the other chains launching you into a superman flight and having a tall friend to push you over even higher. (note to self avoid button up shirts.)
7) G-O Go Low-way or G-O Go high-way.
As we compared notes we found that this goes back for generations. Our mom has many of the same memories. It is a wonder that we all haven’t been killed off by the Giant Strides (not strikes)
We got home late but I still had to search Google for a Picture for those who did not get to experience this great childhood memory. Rebecca and I both think that the middle pole was much taller than the one in this picture. Maybe even 2 times taller.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Cookie Dough
Sunday my cousins Alex, Andrew and her roommate Anna came to visit and we made homemade ice cream sandwiches. By the way they were way good.
Alex shared the cookie dough beater with Kenidee. This insured Alex to be the favorite of the night. Kenidee loved eating cookie dough. After the ice cream sandwiches were done Kenidee walked around the room having tastes of everyone’s. Thank you all for sharing.
Alex shared the cookie dough beater with Kenidee. This insured Alex to be the favorite of the night. Kenidee loved eating cookie dough. After the ice cream sandwiches were done Kenidee walked around the room having tastes of everyone’s. Thank you all for sharing.
We have had a ton of snow this winter, as most of you know. I thought I needed to add a few pictures of snow at our house. It has been warmer this week I am trying not to get my hopes up of spring coming soon. I haven't taken Kenidee out in it much for fear I would lose her to the 30 mile an hour wind gusts. Robin even had a few snow days from work. :)
Can you see the top of the tree. it is almost covered from having to plow the parking lot.
Our stairs to our apt.
Another Car this one does get driven everyday. this happened over night.

Our Fun Neighbors Jennie and Craig... they built us a snowman by our door. They were trying to surprise us but they took a picture with their camera and we saw the flash through the window. So they were caught!
Yes that is a truck. It is almost burried
Our Fun Neighbors Jennie and Craig... they built us a snowman by our door. They were trying to surprise us but they took a picture with their camera and we saw the flash through the window. So they were caught!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Ladies and Gentlemen WE HAVE A HOLE!
Well some of you know that we are building a house in Rigby. It is through a program where there are a group of families and we all build each others houses. We got to choose from 4 house plans and we have to stick to them and o one can move in until they are all finished. So it has been a slow start because of weather and other Technicalities. It will take a year or so to build because we are building it.
It is just a one floor house about 1400 square feet but it will be perfect for awhile. We already have plans how to change it up a bit.
We (when I say we I mean Robin and our home teacher Nick are learning a lot) Thanks Nick!
Right now we only have to work on the house 12 hours a week until the weather gets nicer then it might be back to 30 hours per household, so I might have to get out and pretend I am being helpful.
We are excited and can't wait to have a house of our own.
It is just a one floor house about 1400 square feet but it will be perfect for awhile. We already have plans how to change it up a bit.
We (when I say we I mean Robin and our home teacher Nick are learning a lot) Thanks Nick!
Right now we only have to work on the house 12 hours a week until the weather gets nicer then it might be back to 30 hours per household, so I might have to get out and pretend I am being helpful.
We are excited and can't wait to have a house of our own.
Home made Bread yumm right?
I have had many friend blog their success stories of good food they had made for their families. Well I really bad wanted to join that group my first time baking bread.(with no help) The week before I made mini loafs and rolls but we needed bread so I thought oh heck I will just be a good wife and make it.
Well I followed the recipe to a tee it even told me to put the dough in a loaf pan. I questioned it but I really wanted it to work. So there went all the dough in the pan. Soon I smelt that familiar smell; it reminded me of when my mom would bake bread. I started to think what good things I was going to put on the first hot slice of bread. Would it be butter and Honey or butter and jam or one of each?
I went and checked on the bread and it was almost touching the element on the top of the oven and it looked like it was done just right, and if I let it cook any longer I might have bread stuck on the top of the oven.
I took it out and Kenidee and I enjoyed the first two slices of hot bread. A while later I noticed that my bread looked more like the leaning tower of Pisa. I thought wow it must me heavy on the top, and I cut us another slice of bread, I noticed this slice had a hole in it, as I did more investigating the whole loaf was hollow. I took the knife and cut it in half to find a wad of dough. Yes my gigantic loaf of bread wasn't finished. I did hollow it out and threw it away before I thought of taking pictures. So you just get views of my failing loaf of bread.
I did learn that I will put it in two bread pans next time no matter what the recipe says. :)

Well I followed the recipe to a tee it even told me to put the dough in a loaf pan. I questioned it but I really wanted it to work. So there went all the dough in the pan. Soon I smelt that familiar smell; it reminded me of when my mom would bake bread. I started to think what good things I was going to put on the first hot slice of bread. Would it be butter and Honey or butter and jam or one of each?
I went and checked on the bread and it was almost touching the element on the top of the oven and it looked like it was done just right, and if I let it cook any longer I might have bread stuck on the top of the oven.
I took it out and Kenidee and I enjoyed the first two slices of hot bread. A while later I noticed that my bread looked more like the leaning tower of Pisa. I thought wow it must me heavy on the top, and I cut us another slice of bread, I noticed this slice had a hole in it, as I did more investigating the whole loaf was hollow. I took the knife and cut it in half to find a wad of dough. Yes my gigantic loaf of bread wasn't finished. I did hollow it out and threw it away before I thought of taking pictures. So you just get views of my failing loaf of bread.
I did learn that I will put it in two bread pans next time no matter what the recipe says. :)
Strong pa-pa!
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