Well I followed the recipe to a tee it even told me to put the dough in a loaf pan. I questioned it but I really wanted it to work. So there went all the dough in the pan. Soon I smelt that familiar smell; it reminded me of when my mom would bake bread. I started to think what good things I was going to put on the first hot slice of bread. Would it be butter and Honey or butter and jam or one of each?
I went and checked on the bread and it was almost touching the element on the top of the oven and it looked like it was done just right, and if I let it cook any longer I might have bread stuck on the top of the oven.
I took it out and Kenidee and I enjoyed the first two slices of hot bread. A while later I noticed that my bread looked more like the leaning tower of Pisa. I thought wow it must me heavy on the top, and I cut us another slice of bread, I noticed this slice had a hole in it, as I did more investigating the whole loaf was hollow. I took the knife and cut it in half to find a wad of dough. Yes my gigantic loaf of bread wasn't finished. I did hollow it out and threw it away before I thought of taking pictures. So you just get views of my failing loaf of bread.
I did learn that I will put it in two bread pans next time no matter what the recipe says. :)
Bummer! What a disappointment when bread takes soooo long to make and then you smell it and then you can't eat it. I have started making the Papa Kelseys bread =). I remembered the recipe somewhat from my many years of making it every morning, and tried to cut it down so I didn't make 500 loaves of bread. It's pretty good. Isn't exactly the same, but it makes awesome pizza dough and pretty good rolls. And its super fast! Don't tell Spencer =)
I wont tell spencer if you email me the recipe. is that black male?
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