Today is Bennett's birthday! It is amazing how fast a year goes by and how fast a little baby grows up and learns so many things in just a year. We have loved having Bennett in our family he is always so happy, even when he doesn't feel good. His smile can make anyone smile. I thought at first he was going to be my little snuggle boy, but he is busy. He does make time out of his busy life discovering new things to give anyone a hug, and sometimes a big of a snuggle. He loves to play with the "big kids" they will be running and then you see Bennett crawling as fast as he can to keep up.
He has started to walk he has gotten up to walk and taken as many as 18 steps alone. the other day when he did this he got quite far then looked at me and started to cry, and sat down and crawled back to me.
He says dada momma de(kenidee), tuck and go. he gives high fives, and loves to play with his trucks. It was funny when robin decided that his son would no longer "drive" his sisters mini van and went and bought him a dump truck. Bennett LOVED it he would not let kenidee play with it. kind of funny.
He would rather feed himself. he gets frustrated when we have to feed him something.
Bennett was hard to get here and was a bit scary, but I love him so much and would do it over again. We love you Bennett boy!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Kenidee was so excited about Halloween this year. Everywhere we went she would ask people what they were going to be for halloween. then she would tell them what she was going to be and everyone else was going to be. We would practice trick or treating, and she would get so excited.
Halloween night we went to the ward party and kenidee was being so shy until she figured out that all the kids were playing games and that they were giving candy as prizes.
After that we went to my moms and Robin took Kenidee trick or treating around my moms house. She was more excited about peoples dogs then she was about getting candy.
Before Halloween Kenidee asked Rebecca what she was going to dress up as and Rebecca told kenidee that she was going to be Kenidee. Kenidee was so excited she would tell everyone that Rebecca was going to be her. So Rebecca had no choice but to dress up as kenidee. So she got a red wig and a tutu and wore her big bows. kenidee wasn't so sure about it but now she says next year she is going to be Rebecca for Halloween

Halloween night we went to the ward party and kenidee was being so shy until she figured out that all the kids were playing games and that they were giving candy as prizes.
After that we went to my moms and Robin took Kenidee trick or treating around my moms house. She was more excited about peoples dogs then she was about getting candy.
Before Halloween Kenidee asked Rebecca what she was going to dress up as and Rebecca told kenidee that she was going to be Kenidee. Kenidee was so excited she would tell everyone that Rebecca was going to be her. So Rebecca had no choice but to dress up as kenidee. So she got a red wig and a tutu and wore her big bows. kenidee wasn't so sure about it but now she says next year she is going to be Rebecca for Halloween

pumpkin growing/carving
This year was our first garden. It went ok for a first garden. This year we also had hoards of Grasshoppers who loved our garden. I had no idea how to get rid of them so I guess the grasshoppers just took over. We did, however enjoy watching our pumpkins grow. they didn't get very big but kenidee was so excited. She helped me pick them and move them to the front porch. She was such a good helper. We had 7 pumpkins from our garden we got to carve.

The night of carving we ate dinner first then I really didn't clean up dinner or kids as you can see in the pictures, they still have messy faces. It didn't look that bad in real life I promise. Kenidee didn't mind gutting the pumpkin or anything she just acted like yep we do this everyday. Bennett on the other hand LOVED it. He loved his little pumpkin and wouldn't let me take it from him. He would just cry and cry when I took it from him to do anything to it. when I got his pumpkin open he stuck his hand inside and loved it! he was pulling out seeds and eating them. gross! When his pumpkin was all carved he sat and chewed on it. when I got him ready for bed I saw he still had stuff in his mouth I just assumed it was a seed nope it was a huge chunk of pumpkin he had gotten off something.
I didn't get pics after all the carving was done because my battery died. but they were all so cute!

thirty.... oh boy!
I turned 30 end of September. It was a nice day. It started the day before my bday Rachelle came over and made me pumpkin waffles with Cinnamon syrup. yummy thanks chelle.
I really wanted to go get a real pedicure from someone who really knew what they were doing. So I made 2 appointments at Sage day spa in Rexburg. My sister in law and I went and It was wonderful and really not that bad of a price, lets just say I have spend more for much much less.
Then I ate lunch with my mom at her house. My ever so thoughtful neighbors brought me a gift and a cake! I didn't get a pic. of it but it was wonderful. I ate it for breakfast for days. YUMMY!
My family all came over and brought cake ice cream and pizza! Robin was in class that night. :(
Bri made my fantastic cake. Really who gets 2 cakes on their bday... me I guess. Then as I mentioned in the last post I got chairs from my mom dad and grandma and grandpa. 

Friday, November 13, 2009
Finishing up..... in the next few posts.
I hated our table and the chairs were falling apart. I wanted a new table so bad, but it just wasn't in the budget. One night I had my cousin Andrew and his wife Anna over for game night and I was telling them how sorry I was that their chairs were falling apart under them. I started telling them how I needed a new dining set. Well she gave me the idea to just redo the table and then slowly get new chairs. I was so excited so that is what I set out to do. It was a lot of work we sanded down the whole table and re stained the top and spray painted the legs black. best part is my Brother Justen had stain left over from a job, so i had to get spray paint and sand paper. So we redid this table for maybe $15.00! Oh i got the chairs for my birthday from my parents and grandparents. they found them on clearance at target! I do love my "new" table!
For awhile Kendiee loved wearing anything that went on her bottom half on her head. bloomers became swimming caps and P.J's become long flowing hair. Kenidee Loves to dance. In order to dance she has to have her tutu on or a "princess dress." She must always have a prince. She will come up to me and ask me mom do you think you could be my prince today. My answer "Sure" who can resist such a beautiful princess. She sometimes asks me, "Mom when will Bennett be old enough to be my prince." I just laugh. I can't wait to see that someday. I know Bennett will be her "prince" and dance with his sister because I can tell that is the kind of brother he will be.

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Washington Trip
We went to Washington the first of September. We drove to Boise (thanks Seth and Nicole for keeping our car and stuff) then flew out to Seattle. Kenidee loved flying, I thought take off and landing would scare her but she loved it! Bennett slept on Robin the whole way.
Judy takes Kari and her girls to Teriyaki every Thursday night for dinner. So we were able to go with them. Kenidee loves salad. So I asked the lady if she just had a small salad for her, she said yes in her broken English and when she brought it out it was HUGE!!!!! Judy and ellie shared it with her and it was still way to much. Kenidee and Ellie had so much fun together. It had been along time since they had seen each other and they acted like they just saw each other yesterday. Sometimes I wonder if they share a brain.

We went to lunch with Markham(robins grandma) I didn't take pics dang it. then went to Fred Meyers, and Kenidee found this head band and wore it all over the store. I think it is really awesome.

We wanted to see how Bennett measures up to Lexi but we couldn't get them to stand together. But he loved watching the girls run and chase each other.

We went to the Aquarium one day and Kenidee loved it. She wanted to touch everything she could. Bennett slept through it. I will have to post the little clip I have of kenidee trying to catch pigeons. it is classic. Later that day she ask if we could take the sea lions home with us when I asked her where they would live she told me we would just build a pond in our back yard by the trampoline. what a good idea.

This is the Lay Family. We LOVE them. They were in our ward when we lived in Tacoma. They are a great family and I learned so much from them. Michelle threw me a baby shower for kenidee. When we moved she was expecting the twin girls. while we were there on our visit they invited us over for Sunday dinner. It was so nice to see there newly redone house and to catch up on what they have been doing. Kenidee played great with the kids.

We went to lunch with Markham(robins grandma) I didn't take pics dang it. then went to Fred Meyers, and Kenidee found this head band and wore it all over the store. I think it is really awesome.

We wanted to see how Bennett measures up to Lexi but we couldn't get them to stand together. But he loved watching the girls run and chase each other.

We went to the Aquarium one day and Kenidee loved it. She wanted to touch everything she could. Bennett slept through it. I will have to post the little clip I have of kenidee trying to catch pigeons. it is classic. Later that day she ask if we could take the sea lions home with us when I asked her where they would live she told me we would just build a pond in our back yard by the trampoline. what a good idea.

Ernie always would play with kenidee when she was a baby but this time she wasn't so sure so he just held her and talked to her until she said they could be friends.
Chuck E. Cheese's is something I have never experienced. This was a first for me as well as my kids. I guess Robin and his brothers would go when they were kids. It was interesting for me I guess it wasn't what I expected.Kenidee loved it. Bennett rode on this little car with Chuck E. most of the time. Robin got into it too. I would catch him playing games for the little kids, I don't know if he was trying to get more tickets or maybe the games were just fun to him.
We were able to go and see Grandma and Grandpa Wright they have never met Bennett. Bennett was named after Grandpa Wright. the pic of our kids with grandma and grandpa are not so good but we got some good ones of grandpa with the kids. Kenidee still talks about grandpa's fish.
We all had so much fun. it was nice to get back home to our own beds. Kenidee always asks when she will get to see Ellie again she really misses her other half.

Friday, October 23, 2009
Justen's boy and Kenidee have so much fun together... well for the most part. This day they were "helping" Robin wash his truck as you can see they had so much fun playing in the bubbles. Kenidee gave up soon and started washing her bike. But Mitch just kept playing in the bubbles.
He is really such a cute and funny boy! We love him. 

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Hello... da da
this morning was an early one.Bennett decided that it was time to party at 5 am so off I went to the living room with him to play. He is so much fun. He makes anyone smile. I know I have a ton of blogging to get all caught up with but I HAD to post this today, partly because it is on my sisters camera it was the closest thing. i just watched this again and it is kind of dark but still so cute. I know it is long but so cute at the end so keep watching.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
9 Months old
Bennett turned 9 months old sept. 1. his nine month stats are:
weight 19 lbs 13 oz and was 28 inches long.
Bennett is so happy and is still what we like to call "swimming" he does crawl normal but only to get over things and in the grass. He started pulling himself up the beginning of August. This picture is one of the first times he pulled himself up in his crib. We put his bed down but I guess we should have done it sooner. he did pull himself up and over the edge of the crib once. his bed is now down. I have caught him a few times climbing up the bar of his bed. He cant do that if he has sock on or his feet are covered. He has the sweatiest little feet. I like to call him our little tree frog. He has a good grip too. If he ever gets a hold of something he HOLDS ON for dear life.
He started eating table food and LOVES it. He prefers to feed himself. So I just put things on his tray or if I feed him with a spoon I have to get the food on it, and he likes to put it in his mouth.
He really wants to WALK, he thinks he is one of the big kids. He loves to play with kenidee. He now has 6 teeth 4 on top and 2 on bottom.
He has started pulling out single strands of carpet and chew on them! We are going to have bald spots on our carpet.
he says uh oh really well and makes the noise I make for yuck. Baba and kenidee swares he says ka ka for kenidee. We love having Bennett in our family he is ALWAYS happy hardly ever cries and just loves to laugh.

weight 19 lbs 13 oz and was 28 inches long.
Bennett is so happy and is still what we like to call "swimming" he does crawl normal but only to get over things and in the grass. He started pulling himself up the beginning of August. This picture is one of the first times he pulled himself up in his crib. We put his bed down but I guess we should have done it sooner. he did pull himself up and over the edge of the crib once. his bed is now down. I have caught him a few times climbing up the bar of his bed. He cant do that if he has sock on or his feet are covered. He has the sweatiest little feet. I like to call him our little tree frog. He has a good grip too. If he ever gets a hold of something he HOLDS ON for dear life.
He started eating table food and LOVES it. He prefers to feed himself. So I just put things on his tray or if I feed him with a spoon I have to get the food on it, and he likes to put it in his mouth.
He really wants to WALK, he thinks he is one of the big kids. He loves to play with kenidee. He now has 6 teeth 4 on top and 2 on bottom.
He has started pulling out single strands of carpet and chew on them! We are going to have bald spots on our carpet.
he says uh oh really well and makes the noise I make for yuck. Baba and kenidee swares he says ka ka for kenidee. We love having Bennett in our family he is ALWAYS happy hardly ever cries and just loves to laugh.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
more summer fun!
Justen and Bri went camping and we weren't able to go and stay with them so the kids grandma luana and I went up for lunch. Kenidee and Mitch had so much fun playing in the lake. These two are fearless. They would walk out into the water all the way over their heads if we would let them. Soon a storm came rollin in so that was our cue to leave.
On our way home we had to stop for sqare icecream cones. The icecream isn't as good as it used to be but hey they are square! that makes it just a little better. Kenide loved them.

Just wanting to help
I am not sure what I was doing but when I came back Bennett was so happy. Really who wouldn't be, with a tray full of Cheerios. Kenidee thought he could use a few more treats. She was so proud of herself for helping her little brother. Kenidee much have dumped the cheerios all the way to his tray there was a little trail from the counter to the tray. 

Monday, September 21, 2009
huckleberry picking
Kenidee and I went huckleberry picking with my family this summer. At one point we shoved eight of us in Justen’s pickup to get up the rest of the mountain. We had a small picnic then headed up to find the huckleberry bushes. Mitchell was dubbed the huckleberry hound. He loved picking huckleberries. We think it is in his blood. Kenidee on the other hand had to go to the bathroom so bad she could hardly enjoy herself I tried to have her go in the woods but she would not go in the woods. So after a short time picking Kenidee and I headed down the mountain in search of a bathroom. Rebecca said there was one down by the truck, so down we went with full intentions of going back up to pick huckleberries.
When we got down to the truck I couldn’t find the bathrooms anywhere. So we stayed by the truck and she took pictures of everything. It was a way to pass time. She is so funny when it comes to taking pictures. She was all over the place so I took several of her too.
After a while the huckleberry pickers came back and Rebecca took Kenidee to the hidden bathrooms. I still have no idea where they were. As we were sitting relaxing and enjoying nature Justen found a four leaf clover! We all oooed and aaaaaahed over it then awhile later Rachelle found a huge four leaf clover. It was amazing really. Rachelle said that that is how their luck goes… Justen’s luck comes small yet perfect. Rochelle’s luck comes big but is often retarded.
So i didn't down load things in order but use your imagination.........
the picture of my foot I took because I kept telling kenidee how dirty she was then I looked down at my foot and I am so dirty!

When we got down to the truck I couldn’t find the bathrooms anywhere. So we stayed by the truck and she took pictures of everything. It was a way to pass time. She is so funny when it comes to taking pictures. She was all over the place so I took several of her too.
After a while the huckleberry pickers came back and Rebecca took Kenidee to the hidden bathrooms. I still have no idea where they were. As we were sitting relaxing and enjoying nature Justen found a four leaf clover! We all oooed and aaaaaahed over it then awhile later Rachelle found a huge four leaf clover. It was amazing really. Rachelle said that that is how their luck goes… Justen’s luck comes small yet perfect. Rochelle’s luck comes big but is often retarded.
So i didn't down load things in order but use your imagination.........
the picture of my foot I took because I kept telling kenidee how dirty she was then I looked down at my foot and I am so dirty!

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Happy Birthday Kenidee
Kenidee is Three! It seem like not that long ago my little girl was my little baby. Now she thinks she can do everything herself. I can't imagine life without her. She keeps us busy and laughing. 
Before Kenidee's birthday I asked her what kind of cake she wanted. She told me she wanted a monster cake. I asked her if she was sure, and made other suggestions of what kind of cake I thought she would like. nope every time it was I want a pink monster cake with sharp teeth and two eyes. It was so fun to let her pick out her own cake mix, and pick help me pick out candy for the monsters face. From some help from my boss and her cake decorating tools I think her cake turned out really good. It took me forever but she loved it. I made the cake the night before her party in the morning she asked to see it and she told me it was PERFECT!

Kenidee got so many fun things a sprinkler from grandma a new blanket from grandma shauna and a doll with magnetic cloths a helmet, princess books and a puzzle littlest pet shop from a neighborhood friend and a bike from her mom and dad. She really likes everything. the bike is a bit big this year but by next summer she will be riding it like a pro.

The monster cake was a big hit! I made her blue pancakes for her birthday breakfast and she thought that was really neat.

Kenidee got so many fun things a sprinkler from grandma a new blanket from grandma shauna and a doll with magnetic cloths a helmet, princess books and a puzzle littlest pet shop from a neighborhood friend and a bike from her mom and dad. She really likes everything. the bike is a bit big this year but by next summer she will be riding it like a pro.

The monster cake was a big hit! I made her blue pancakes for her birthday breakfast and she thought that was really neat.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Random fun!
I finally made it to town to get Bennett a swing for the swing set and can you tell by his face that he LOVES it.! He giggles the whole time, and he stays in it forever. I just have Kenidee give him little pushes once in awhile. While I weed. 

Kenidee found these goggles in a box in the garage. Her and Robin sported them for awhile. What a good dad she has to play with her in goggles and to let me take his picture with them on.

Nothing better then nephews in Tutu's that he had to have on, nieces exfoliating their grandmas feet, chickens at a neighbors house and good friends chad cronin who loved his brownie more then the rest of us.

Kenidee is such a girl she loves to do all sorts of girly things. Aunt Rachelle was such a sport to let
Kenidee paint her nails. Oh yes and look how talented my little girls feet are!

Kenidee found these goggles in a box in the garage. Her and Robin sported them for awhile. What a good dad she has to play with her in goggles and to let me take his picture with them on.

Nothing better then nephews in Tutu's that he had to have on, nieces exfoliating their grandmas feet, chickens at a neighbors house and good friends chad cronin who loved his brownie more then the rest of us.

Kenidee is such a girl she loves to do all sorts of girly things. Aunt Rachelle was such a sport to let
Kenidee paint her nails. Oh yes and look how talented my little girls feet are!
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